Glenn Crooks was accompanist for Swansea Bach Choir until very recently when he felt he needed to step down due to his health.

For several years, Glenn dedicated so many Saturday mornings to playing for the choir and he will be missed greatly by us all.
For many years, Glenn dedicated his Saturday mornings to playing for the choir and he will be missed greatly by us all. Glenn was a first-rate musician with an incredibly good ear. Without any fuss and without being asked, he would help out anyone that wasn’t quite hitting the correct notes, by playing their part a little louder - he was always listening keenly and engaged in improving the choir. Rarely did a conductor need to tell him where we’d be rehearsing from; he knew (sometimes before the conductor)! Not only was Glenn so much help in the rehearsal room, but he often played solo organ pieces in our concerts. His performances were enjoyed by choir and audience members alike and displayed great technical skill.
We send our very best wishes to Glenn’s family and will be thinking of him in our performance of Handel’s Messiah at the Brangwyn Hall next month.