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Summer concert at Margam Abbey


Thank you so much to everyone who came to our concert yesterday - it was lovely to see so many familiar faces as well as welcoming some new ones!

We hope you enjoyed our concert celebrating the natural world and the space we inhabit within it. This was our first summer concert since the easing of COVID-19 restrictions and we certainly had a lot of fun preparing such a varied and unique programme. Hopefully it was all worthwhile and you enjoyed listening to it as much as we enjoyed performing it.

It was a particular pleasure to return to Margam Abbey to perform. It's been a number of years since we last visited and we're so incredibly grateful for their enthusiasm and support in putting on this concert... especially the tea and cake, which is always welcome!

The summer concert normally signals the end of the year and the start of a nice long summer break for us. This year, however, we have been invited to a weekend residency at Bath Abbey in August, where we will be taking part in a number of services and singing, amongst other things, Rheinberger's Mass in Eâ™­ which many of you will have enjoyed at our Easter concert.

More details will be coming soon but until then, thank you for your continued support and we hope that the sound of the Kookaburra is still ringing in your ears!

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